Oh how green it is...

We the people are an ever consuming nation. It’s refreshing to see that the focus is starting to change from one that takes to one that is starting to give. We want to give back to mother earth what we have been taking from her over the years. Here are some ways to be a little greener that doesn’t take much effort or energy that was highlighted on whole living.

1. Turn off the lights or computer or any other electrical appliance that is not in use
2. Eat More Veggies – or better yet start your own garden
3. Use Greener Cleaners or make your own natural cleaners
4. Find New Uses for Old Things – donate old items to be re-used instead of filling up land fills
5. Buy Products Made from Recycled Materials
6. Choose Reusable Instead of Disposable Products – use a cloth towel instead of paper
7. Conserve water - purchase low flow showerhead and toilets, turn off the water!
8. Carpool when you can
9. Buy products with little or no packaging
10. Recycle, Recycle, Recycle

These aren’t things that you haven’t heard already but they are things that we need to be reminded of often. We are all looking for ways to be greener but we want them to be easy and we don’t want them to be cumbersome. But this is the focus moving forward and we can no longer escape it. Go Green, you will feel better and in the long run your pocket book will too. Let’s give the generations ahead a beautiful healthy planet to enjoy like we have been able to.


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